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Greenland ice sheet faces 'tipping point in 10 years'

"The entire ice mass of Greenland will disappear from the world map if temperatures rise by as little as 2C, with severe consequences for the rest of the world, a panel of scientists told Congress today."

Category: Climate Change


Biggest ice island for 48 years breaks off Greenland glacier

"Scientists say the 100 square mile ice island, 600ft thick, is 'very unusual' and the biggest formation of its kind since 1962"

Category: Climate Change


Coal: The cheap, dirty and direct route to irreversible climate change

Opinion - "The global dominance of industrial interests dependant on cheap energy sourced from coal mean climate change is inevitable"


'Poo-powered' car seen on the streets of Bristol

"The Bio-Bug runs on processed methane gas generated as part of the raw sewage treatment process."


Saudi Arabia to seek compensation for climate pact oil losses

"Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing nations stake claim to projected $19bn losses if oil production declines due to global climate deal"

Displaying results 596 to 600 out of 2977